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10/03/2008 a las 22:47 #53330
MiembroMe ha parecido curioso el hecho de que powerslide ponga una web para customizar sus botas de velocidad. Os pongo la información que he encontrado por si os sirve: http://custom.powerslide.de/
We at Powerslide prefer to work with plaster instead of using copy socks. You can work more precisious with plaster. The copy sock material itself expands a little when you fill it with the lastfoam and results in an inacurate copy of the foot. There s an obviously high danger to built custom boots too wide when using copy socks. Plaster keeps its shape and is easy to work with. Please follow the steps below to get the plaster imprints of the skaters feet. You may change some little parts meeting your preferences by making the imprints, but you should follow the general line of the instruction. http://custom.powerslide.de/
We started the field testing with the Lightbeam 360° 3-D foot scanner
We took the opportunity to take scans from all our sponsored skaters. The handling of the device is pretty simple and didn´t make any problems. The client has to wear a special sock (2,20 EUR / pair), which is kind of reference for the device in order to copy the foot. The athlete had to stay in natural skating position for about 20 sekonds and could not sit on a chair due to the special construction of the foot scanner. That´s the approx. time the scanner need to take a 360° scan of the foot to collect all 320.000 measure points.
Twenty sekonds can be very long… We had to repeat the procedure with some clients for a second time in order to get good results. But we have been satisfied with the results in most of the cases. The device tself had to be rebouted sometimes for some reasons, but even this was not a big deal.Pricelist Custom Boots Made in Germany
Article Wholesale SRP
Model R2, C6, C6 Pure, C4, C4 Pure, Icon $ 665,00* $ 1.000,00
Model Pascal Briand $ 700,00* $ 1.100,00
Model Triple X, Triple X Pure $ 735,00* $ 1.200,00
Exchange of upper lesther $ 500,00 $ 800,00
Casting casts for for competitors brands $ 50,00 –
* The shop receives a deposit of 50,00 EUR if he takes the cast by himself! Special Offer – Buy 10, get one custom boot for free. The elevens order we receive from you will be made free of charge. We request a deposit of 30% with each order. Balance will be due after delivery
Información sacada de http://blading.at.webry.info/200803/article_9.html
10/03/2008 a las 23:13 #53334GO_zalo
Participantepues hacia tiempo que salia en la pagina como comin soon… y ahora se ve que lo están desarrollando ya 😕
11/03/2008 a las 13:31 #53389Eduardoritos
ParticipanteResultó que el tipo encargado de hacer las custom no debía ser muy bueno.
Ahora parece que han cogido a uno nuevo. Si habéis visto quién es, es un argentino, ex-patinador, que ha trabajado en la empresa Pro Skate, haciendo botas. Pro Skate es una empresa italiana, que sigue existiendo, aunque parece que ha bajado mucho la calidad desde que se ha ido este chico, supongo.Creo que algún visitante de este foro conoce al tal Sergio; igual hasta podría darnos algún dato.
11/03/2008 a las 13:38 #53390Eduardoritos
ParticipanteDe hecho, si habéis leído todo…
Our field testing with the Powerslide skaters has not been finished yet and we are not able to send a final report up to now. We took a cast of all our skaters by 3-D scan AND by traditional plaster casting. The shoes for the athletes will be made based on one or the other methode. No one of the skaters will be informed if their boot is made on the base of a 3-D scan or the traditional way until we have their feedback. Be patient. We will send the results as soon as we got them.«Nuestras pruebas de campo con los patinadores de Powerslide no han terminado todavía, por lo que no somos capaces de daros un informe definitivo todavía. Hemos hecho un molde de todos nuestros corredores por scanner 3-D Y por el tradicional de molde plástico. Las botas serán hechas basadas en el molde de uno u otro sistema. Los corredores no serán informados de si sus botas han sido hechas por 3-D o molde plástico hasta que nos den sus opiniones.
Sed pacientes. Os enviaremos los resultados tan pronto como los tengamos».O sea, que ellos mismos nos están diciendo que no tengamos prisa en pedir nuestras PS custom. No se fían del sistema 3-D, que, por ejemplo, a la casa Bont parece que ya le ha dado algún problemilla.
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